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Fast-Neutron Spectroscopy

The A8 Diamond Proton Recoil Telescope is designed to measure the neutron flux in high-energy neutron beams with highest precision. It is used for the neutron beam monitoring in mono-energetic fast neutron beams at Van de Graaff and Tandem accelerators. The detection of fast-neutrons is based on the well known 1H(n,p)n reaction, where the neutron energy is determined by measuring the energy deposited in the Diamond Telescope Detector by proton recoils. 

The ROSY® AX106 readout system completes the A8 Diamond Proton Recoil Telescope to a ready-to-use neutron beam monitoring system. It provides real-time neutron spectra of all 4 telescope sensors for monitoring purposes, as well as the real-time coincidence spectrum of the proton recoils.



Fast-Neutron Spectroscopy

The A8 Diamond Proton Recoil Telescope is designed to measure the neutron flux in high-energy neutron beams with highest precision. It is used for the neutron beam monitoring in mono-energetic fast neutron beams at Van de Graaff and Tandem accelerators. The detection of fast-neutrons is based on the well known 1H(n,p)n reaction, where the neutron energy is determined by measuring the energy deposited in the Diamond Telescope Detector by proton recoils. 

The ROSY® AX106 readout system completes the A8 Diamond Proton Recoil Telescope to a ready-to-use neutron beam monitoring system. It provides real-time neutron spectra of all 4 telescope sensors for monitoring purposes, as well as the real-time coincidence spectrum of the proton recoils.

Detector type:
Diamond Telescope Detector
ΔE-E-sensor thickness:
1 x 50 μm, 3 x 500 μm
Maximum neutron energy:
22 MeV
Energy resolution:
20 keV FWHM
Amplifiers (4 pieces):
Spectroscopic Amplifiers

The A8 Diamond Proton Recoil Telescope can be provided with application specific designs and as self-standing monitors:
  • C6 Fast Charge Amplifiers for count rates up to 3 MHz.

  • Cx-L Spectroscopic Amplifiers with 1.2 μs FWHM for measurements with conventional multi-channel analysers (MCA).

  • Full Diamond Proton Recoil Telescope System including ROSY® AX106 with integrated Telescope Application for real-time neutron beam monitoring.

  • Full Diamond Proton Recoil Telescope System including ROSY® AX106 with Telescope Application and integrated power supply, as autonomous neutron beam monitoring system.

The principle of neutron detection with the Diamond Proton Recoil Telescope is illustrated in the Figure, for 12-17 MeV neutrons. The proton recoils are collimated to select the forward emitted protons, which carry the full neutron energy. The protons are stopped in the Diamond Telescope and deposit their full energy. The measurement of these coincidences allows to determine the neutron flux as well as the neutron energy.
The energy deposited in the first three sensors of the Diamond Proton Recoil Telescope is illustrated in the Figure as function of the total deposited energy in the telescope, for a measurement in a 14.8 MeV neutron beam. The number of counts is encoded in color. The contribution of the proton recoils is indicated for each channel with a red ellipse. The remaining signals correspond to the neutron spectrum in each sensor and background reactions. 

In the top panel the measurement with the first, 50 μm thin ΔE diamond sensor is shown. The middle panel shows the second, 500 μm thick diamond sensor, which is traversed as well by the proton recoils. The remaining energy of the proton recoils is deposited in the last sensor, as shown in the bottom panel.